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An EcoVadis gold medal for NatéoSanté!

Blog Honors NatéoSanté

13 December 2022

After obtaining the Silver certification from EcoVadis last June, NatéoSanté has just become one of the top 5% of Gold certified companies. The concrete result of its constant commitments in terms of CSR for many years.

Let's take a look at the definition of Corporate Social Responsibility and zoom in on the EcoVadis organisation and its evaluation process, as well as the performances obtained by NatéoSanté.

What is a CSR approach?

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach of companies is reflected in the commitments of professionals in favour of sustainable development and the human being.

It is based on 5 fundamental principles:

  • Economic responsibility: through quality of service, support for local suppliers, transparency and timely payment of invoices
  • Social responsibility: by promoting diversity and equal opportunities, ensuring health and safety for employees, upholding workers' rights and working fairly with global producers.
  • Environmental responsibility: by reducing the carbon impact of its activities, using resources responsibly, reducing corporate waste and raising employee awareness of environmental issues.
  • Philanthropic responsibility: through the company's partnerships and collaborations with other entities (associations, networks, etc.), with the aim of having a positive impact on society
  • Governance: through the management style adopted, responsible communication, strict compliance with regulations or the company's responsible purchasing policy

What is EcoVadis?

Created in 2007 in France, EcoVadis is a global platform for assessing and sharing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance used by over 100,000 companies of all sizes in 175 countries. Its objective is to "guide all companies towards a sustainable world".

This process of rating companies consists of evaluating their sustainability and giving them a final score. The rating (and, if applicable, the medal) obtained is recognised worldwide. This certification is therefore the major benchmark for a company when choosing its stakeholders.

Indeed, this score reflects the quality of the implementation of a CSR policy in a company's management system (strategy, actions and results).

The NatéoSanté headquarters are eco-designed

How does EcoVadis establish its rating? On what principles does it base its assessment?

The EcoVadis methodology is based on the evaluation of company performance through 21 indicators (from "CO2 emissions" to "child labour"), themselves divided into 4 CSR themes:

  • Environment
  • Human rights
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable procurement

This methodology is aligned with international standards (such as the UN Global Compact, ILO conventions, French laws and regulations, etc.).

A team of analysts, experts in sustainability, reviews the dossier submitted by the company and the documents intended to justify the commitments made.

Following this analysis, EcoVadis provides the company with an evaluation sheet and the final score it has obtained. This determines the colour of the medal:

  • Bronze: top 50% of companies evaluated (overall score ≥45)
  • Silver: top 25% of companies evaluated (overall score ≥54)
  • Gold: top 5% of companies evaluated (overall score ≥66)
  • Platinum: top 1% of companies evaluated (overall score ≥73)

What about NatéoSanté’s EcoVadis assessment?

Following the evaluation of NatéoSanté's performance by EcoVadis in the 4 areas mentioned above, the company obtains a score of 72/100, which gives it the Gold medal.

NatéoSanté has been awarded the EcoVadis Gold medal with a score of 72/100

This score is a reflection of our corporate culture, which has defined NatéoSanté since its creation. All of the company's strategic and operational decisions and orientations have always been made (and continue to be made) taking into account its environmental, social and economic impact, because NatéoSanté's DNA is first to prove ourselves through action before we feel legitimate to communicate.

EcoVadis simply illustrates all our commitments through an impartial and recognised certification.

This recognition allows us to confirm our position as a company committed to CSR while strengthening our relationships with our stakeholders (suppliers, partners, distributors and customers).

"We are very pleased to have been awarded the Silver medal by EcoVadis. This recognition is the culmination of an approach initiated at NatéoSanté in 2014, when we launched the EOLIS Air Manager project, the first eco-designed air purifier, and our bioclimatic building. We place the environment and the Human being at the heart of our activities and continue our efforts to improve constantly through genuine and sincere actions, which are supported by all our employees".

Thierry Ricci, NatéoSanté president and founder

NatéoSanté does not intend to stop at this Gold medal. With the aim of continuous improvement, the entire team is working to translate this commitment into concrete action in every little thing they do on a daily basis.

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