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COVID-19 Epidemic Rebound in France Before Summer


19 June 2024

With the approach of summer and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, France is experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. Emergency room visits for suspected COVID-19 cases have increased by 52% in one week, according to Santé Publique France, indicating a new wave of infections. In urban areas, SOS Médecins reports a 51% rise in suspected COVID cases for the week of June 3 to June 10. This increase is mainly attributed to the emergence of new variants and the gradual decline in collective immunity. French health authorities are warning of the risks of widespread virus transmission, especially with the arrival of thousands of spectators and athletes from around the world for the Olympics.

New Variants and Decreasing Collective Immunity

The new coronavirus variants are more transmissible and can partially evade immunity acquired through vaccination or previous infection. A new mutation, the KP.2 variant nicknamed “FLiRT,” is currently circulating in the United States and Europe, although the number of detected cases remains limited for now. This situation complicates epidemic management and increases the risks of rapid virus spread within the population. Health authorities emphasize the importance of maintaining preventive measures, including wearing masks in indoor public spaces and adhering to hygiene practices.

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Martin Blachier, an epidemiologist and public health specialist, points out that this resurgence in France mirrors a similar trend observed in other European countries. Santé Publique France confirmed these increases in a statement on June 11, 2024, also noting a significant rise in the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater. However, Blachier reassures that there is no risk of contamination through drinking water.

Recommended Preventive Measures

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In response to this epidemic rebound, experts recommend strengthening the vaccination campaign, including booster shots for the most vulnerable individuals.

They also suggest reintroducing certain health restrictions, such as mandatory mask-wearing in public transport and enclosed spaces. Testing should be intensified to quickly identify positive cases and limit transmission chains.

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Preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

As the Paris Olympic Games approach, French authorities are taking measures to ensure the health safety of participants and spectators. This includes strict testing protocols, quarantine rules for positive cases, and social distancing measures in gathering places.

The goal is to minimize the risk of virus super-spreading during this major event.

Prevention of Cross-Contaminations with EOLIS Air Manager

To combat the transmission of COVID-19 and improve indoor air quality, the EOLIS Air Manager air purifier by NatéoSanté is an ideal solution. This professional air purifier ensures a healthy environment thanks to its advanced filtration system.

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Key Features and Benefits of the EOLIS Air Manager

To combat the transmission of COVID-19 and improve indoor air quality, the medically certified air purifier EOLIS Air Manager by NatéoSanté is an ideal solution. This professional air purifier ensures a healthy environment thanks to its advanced filtration system.

.stk-3b5e608-inner-blocks{align-items:center !important} .stk-c4f4708{align-self:flex-start !important}.stk-c4f4708-inner-blocks{align-items:flex-start !important;justify-content:center !important} Medical-grade filtration

The EOLIS Air Manager is equipped with a bactericidal, virucidal, and acaricidal pre-filter, an EN 1822 certified HEPA H13 filter, and a high-density activated carbon filter.

Patented technology

Thanks to its germicidal UV-C lamps and oxidation filtration system, the EOLIS Air Manager continuously disinfects the air. It effectively eliminates viruses and bacteria present in microdroplets that can remain suspended in the air for hours.

Proven efficiency

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have demonstrated that the EOLIS Air Manager eliminates 99.6% of airborne coronaviruses in just ten minutes of operation. This makes it an indispensable tool for reducing the risks of cross-contamination in high-intensity professional environments.

Built-in intelligence

The purifier analyzes air quality in real time through its numerous sensors and automatically adjusts its operation to maintain an optimal level of purification. Users can view air quality on an intuitive touch screen and receive alerts when maintenance is needed.

Eco-design and local manufacturing

NatéoSanté is committed to an eco-design approach, using sustainable and non-emissive materials. The devices are produced and assembled locally in France, with each unit individually inspected to ensure optimal performance and low energy consumption.

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The EOLIS Air Manager is particularly suited for healthcare facilities, offices, hotels, restaurants, schools, and other environments requiring impeccable air quality for the safety and well-being of occupants. With its advanced purification capabilities, it helps create a healthy environment, essential during epidemic periods.

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