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How to improve IAQ in schools thanks to CO2 measuring devices and air purifiers?

Air quality Job News

25 August 2021

Thanks to its 360° offer, NatéoSanté supports you in the implementation of solutions to guarantee a purified air and fight agaisnt the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. You offer a permanent protection for your pupils and students, your teachers and your staff.

This year again, the start of the school year will take place under particular conditions, as the coronavirus responsible for Covid-19 is still circulating very actively on the territory despite the increase in the coverage rate of vaccinated persons.

The current situation has brought back to the forefront the public health issue of the quality of the indoor air (IAQ) we breathe, especially for the most sensitive groups such as children and young people.

School-decree-reglementation-indoor-air-quality-air-purifierThe start of the school year will take place under special conditions due to the health situation

As a specialist in indoor air quality since 2009, NatéoSanté sheds light on the importance of IAQ in schools and secondary schools, providing you with answers and concrete solutions on how to improve it.

What are the objectives?

  • Preventing the pandemic and respecting the imposed regulations
  • Effectively protecting schoolchildren, college students, teachers and non-teaching staff
  • Reassuring parents

Which indoor air quality regulation in schools?

Indoor air quality monitoring has been mandatory in France since 1 January 2018 (decree n°2011-1728) in establishments open to the public including pre-schools, primary schools and nurseries.

From 1 January 2020, secondary schools are also subject to IAQ control.

It is based on two main points of vigilance:

  • Mandatory evaluation of ventilation facilities,
  • Control of indoor air quality, with the implementation of an action plan based on self-monitoring and the application of simple gestures and charters, or a measurement campaign for three pollutants: formaldehyde, benzene and CO2.
IAQ monitoring is mandatory in establishments open to public from 1 January 2018

NatéoSanté is at your side in monitoring and measuring the levels of these pollutants by offering you indoor air quality analysis kits.

These pollutants are emitted in particular by furniture, glues, household products, etc., all of which are harmful compounds present in classrooms and canteens. They directly affect the health of students, teachers and non-teaching staff.

To go further and act directly on the elimination of these Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs, we recommend that you equip your premises with a professional air purifier such as EOLIS Air Manager.

Designed and manufactured in France by NatéoSanté, the purifier is highly effective against micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses), Volatile Organic Compounds (solvents, hydrocarbons, paints, glues) or particles (PM10 to PM2.5). It thus eliminates 99.97% of the sources of indoor air pollution.

It has also been tested by an independent laboratory to prove its effectiveness against establishments open to public.

The successful results are as follows:

  • Benzene concentration divided by 7
  • Formaldehyde levels divided by 5.
see the dedicated performance report

What are the consequences of a high carbon dioxyd level and how can it be monitored?

It has been known since last summer, following several studies, that the virus responsible for Covid-19 is also transmitted in the air by aerosols, even becoming the primary source of contamination in closed indoor spaces.

Indeed, "when we speak and breathe, we emit large droplets and small particles, [...] the lighter ones floating in the air. These particles can carry SARS-CoV-2 and persist for a long time in a closed space, even if the individual is not coughing," said an article in Le Monde on 23 April.

If the concentration of CO2 in the air of a room is high, it means that the airborne particles persist in the air and are likely to be breathed in by its occupants.

This is where CO2 measuring devices come into their own as indicators of the containment index. Thanks to their integrated sensors, they indicate the level of carbon dioxide in the air of a room and can give an alert in case of high concentration, informing of the immediate need to open the windows to renew the air.

Aeration is the first pillar of the "aerate, ventilate, purify" triptych.

These three actions guarantee to improve the indoor air quality in your spaces.

CO2 displays show how well a room is aerated

NatéoSanté has a range of two CO2 measuring devices, which clearly display the concentration of carbon dioxide in real time to tell you the state of the ventilation quality of the room in which they are located.


Is a professional air purifier suitable for schools, secondary schools and highschools?

EOLIS Air Manager, 99.6% effective against coronaviruses

In addition to the application of barrier measures (wearing a mask, frequent hand washing, physical distancing), the monitoring of CO2 levels and the proper aeration of classrooms and common areas, a professional air purifier with a HEPA filter will act against the airborne spread of coronavirus in schools.

Several studies, including one conducted in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (AURA) region by the VirPath laboratory, have effectively demonstrated that air purifiers with HEPA filtration were effective in capturing coronaviruses, including SARS-COV-2.

More on the subject: air purifiers eliminate 90% of aerosols in a classroom 

A professional air purifier such as EOLIS Air Manager protects and reassures students and staff

In October 2020, the AURA region, mobilised 10 million euros to install air purifiers in the region's schools, which now represents more than 2,000 schools equipped. Then, the Ile-de-France region decided to launch a financing plan to equip its schools.

NatéoSanté was chosen by these two local authorities to participate in the installation of professional air purifiers, with EOLIS Air Manager, whose efficacy against coronavirus have been demonstrated by a French independent laboratory, specialized in microbiology, at 99.6%.

Today, it is doctors and teachers, via an article published in Le Monde on 19 August, who are mobilising to ask for more to be done to protect the health of children and pupils. They are calling for "firm action" to stop the circulation of the virus, and in particular that of the Delta variant, which is much more contagious among young people than its predecessors.

The signatories also stress the importance of ventilation and air purification: "Windows must be opened much more frequently and the recommendation to equip schools with CO2 detectors cannot be enough: it must be the rule. [...] This summer, Ireland and Quebec equipped all classrooms with CO2 detectors, while New York, Philadelphia and Frankfurt installed purifiers."

Protect your students with the NatéoSanté professional air purifierEOLIS Air Manager is the professional air purifier that looks after everyone's health

In this context, the EOLIS Air Manager professional air purifier will fit perfectly into your overall protocol for protecting the health of all against the spread of Covid-19 in secondary schools and educational institutions.

Why choosing NatéoSanté?

Designer-manufacturer and expert in indoor air quality since 2009, NatéoSanté works tirelessly every day to design the most effective solutions available to improve the quality of the air that everyone breathes every day.

In line with our desire to offer healthy air without any negative impact on the environment, a value shared and supported by every member of our team, we have chosen to develop our products using an eco-design approach, sa as they last over time.

More about our sustainable development approcah

Furthermore, the performance of our purifiers has been the subject of numerous tests carried out by French scientific laboratories. It is the results of these different studies that allow us to affirm, in a completely transparent way, that NatéoSanté air purifiers are truly effective against the different pollutants of the indoor air.

We also carry out a systematic quality control on each device, to guarantee optimal operation and performance as soon as they are put into service in your school or college.

Opting for NatéoSanté solutions means you can be sure of peace of mind in all circumstances. Our teams of experts are at your side, whatever your request. They accompany you in the installation, daily use and possible maintenance needs of NatéoSanté professional air purifiers. This close relationship is a real guarantee of the commitment we make and respect to the customers who place their trust in us.

Professional air purifier and monitoring system: how to protect students and staff with real-time information across a school?

To monitor the IAQ of your various classrooms and equipped spaces via a connected network, NatéoSanté has developed an exclusive multi-site monitoring system. You can thus view, on a single screen, your entire EOLIS Air Manager fleet to ensure the good quality of the indoor air in each room (canteen, self-service, classroom, library, games room, etc.) in real time

Supervise your various spaces equipped with purifiers to ensure that the air is always purified

You are also notified directly if filters, sensors or maintenance is required on a unit. This instant notification of the need to change filters ensures that your air purifiers are always optimally working.

See our solutions for shcools

Update: 25/08/2020

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