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NatéoSanté referenced by French Healthcare as a company participating in the national effort to fight the COVID-19 virus

Health Honors International NatéoSanté News

31 March 2020

NatéoSanté, designer and manufacturer of professional air purifiers, has been referenced by the French Healthcare association as a French player offering solutions that can be implemented in the management of the Coronavirus epidemic.

What is the French Healthcare association?

Initiated as a brand by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, French Healthcare is now an association which is both a tool for coordinating the network of healthcare players and an instrument for the collective promotion of French know-how.

French Healthcare aims to promote the French vision of global healthcare, based on a humanistic approach to care and fair access to healthcare services and products.

The promotion of French expertise in terms of health, this is how French Healthcare illustrates French excellence in health.

COVID-19: contribution to the inventory of mobilizable French companies

French Healthcare Association offers a first list of French companies offering proven solutions that can be implemented in the context of epidemic management and patient care.

Objective: to have a global vision of the French response that can be mobilized in France and abroad.

A specific meeting was thus organized on Friday March 13, 2020, during which companies were able to make themselves known, and information has been continuously collected since this date.

This list will obviously be enriched over time.

The companies are thus classified by categories of trades:

  • Vaccines and treatments (under development)
  •   Diagnostic tests
  •   Medical imaging
  •   Masks and hydroalcoholic solutions
  •   Management of waste from hospitals
  •   Treatment / disinfection of hospital air
  •   Isolation chamber
  •   Remote monitoring of patients / applications for professionals
  •   Transport / repatriation of patients
  •   Home medical furniture

NatéoSanté is thus referenced in the Treatment / disinfection of hospital air category. Thanks to its indoor air purification solutions, which are designed to meet complex and difficult health requirements, NatéoSanté helps limit the spread of the virus by air.

Its professional, high-tech, eco-designed and made in France solutions have a quality filtration system that meets health and hygiene requirements. NatéoSanté equips daily medical environments (hospitals, clinics, medical offices, nursing homes ...) as well as professionals highly exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution. The professional air purifier EOLIS Air Manager effectively reduces the air propagation of microorganisms including viruses such as COVID-19.

The list of companies referenced on May 1, 2021: FHC Business Survey COVID-19 - V19032020

More information on the effectiveness of EOLIS Air Manager air purifiers on the COV-19 virus

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